Monday, October 31, 2016

Black and White or Color - What Do Dogs Really See?

I really enjoy random, useless knowledge that does nothing to enhance my life but it's just some fun stuff that I picked up along the way. You know the information, like how seahorses are monogamous? Cool, I know! Does absolutely nothing to help me with my finances or time management skills - just silly facts that makes me appear more interesting than I really am! It got me thinking... do dogs see in black and white?

The short answer is No. Dogs can see some colour, just not as many as human beings.

Scientists have discovered, that while humans have three cone photoreceptor cells in our eyes to see the colour of the rainbow, our beloved friends have only two 'cones'. We can distinguish between reds and blues, yellow and greens. Dogs cannot see reds or greens at all because everything is slightly tinted on a blue-yellow colour scale.

Image that - seeing the world in grey, blue and yellow? Isn't it funny how many dog toys are red???? To them, it must look dark grey! Now throw that red bone on your beautiful green grass! AH! Fido can't see green either! Probably looks like a grey bone in a sea of blue.

Another interesting fact is that a dog's vision is not as acute as ours, perhaps being up to 40% less sharp! What may look perfectly clear to you 20 feet away may appear blurry to your fur-baby. That's because your dog tends to be near-sighted. Their eye test would look more like 20/75. That's okay though because your buddy is 'seeing' the world through another sense - his sense of smell. (More on this next week!)

We may see the world with more vivid and beautiful colours and we may even see things a little bit clearer (contacts lenses and all!) but our four-legged family members do have two distinct advantages to us mere mortals:

1) They can see motion at a distance up to 20 times better than humans

2) They can see much better than people at dawn and dusk when the light from the sun is just a hint in the sky.

Both of these traits serve canines much better for hunting in the wild. Obviously, your pet is not doing much of that now-a-days, however, I would pick any dog to be on my team in a game of Kick the Can with the neighbourhood kids! Ruling Champions of the summer!

It's nice to know that our family pet sees the world in more than just a boring black and white. They may not see beautiful pinks, purples, green and reds but they don't seem to miss it.

Want to know the animal that can see the most colours? It will make you look more interesting at the next office party!

Mantis Shrimp. They have 16 different colour receptors in their eyes. Can you imagine what the world looks like through their eyes?!?!?!

Credit: Tara Pellegrino

Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to Celebrate the Birthday of Your Cat?

Every pet, especially cats, wants to be pampered and treated with royalty. The felines are actually party animals. Even though they don't socialize as much as dogs do, they still like being the centre of attraction. Don't miss a chance of pampering your feline beauties if you really love her.

Don't just pet her. Love, adore, spoil and celebrate her existence in your life. Kitties have got all the right to be pampered. If not every day, then at least on some special occasions like their birthday. Why should the birthday of your kitty be left behind if you celebrate the other life events of your life? After all, she is one of the best things that has happened to you. Creativity mixed with love and sentiments can make her day. Here are some tips to make the day special for her.

1. Tasty treat

The day of felines start with food and ends with the same. Don't feed her with the same old cat food on this special day. Make some tasty homemade treats for her. This will be a pleasant start to the day for her.

2. Presents? Goes without saying

The nature of cats match a lot with the humans. No matter what they have and how much they have, new goodies are always welcome. Get some new catnip toys for the spoiled brats. You can even get them some stuffed toys, woollen rolls or cat balls. Buying them a scratching post is a good idea as well. This will even discourage the kitty from scratching your furniture.

3. Surprise party

A small get-together and surprise party can make her feel even more special. Invite the cats from your neighbour to the party so that your kitty can play, fight and have a good time with them. Don't forget to bake a birthday cake. Cats love sweets. Make small cupcakes for all the kitties at the party, instead of a big one. Make your feline sit in the centre and sing the birthday song for her. Pets might not understand human language but they are very good at reading emotions and love. The shy and introvert feline will enjoy being the guest of honour.

4. Lots of photos to keep the memories alive for ever

Get you kitty dressed up in cute cat clothing and click as much pictures as possible, they love getting clicked. Don't forget to have a family photo shoot and capture the adorable memories forever.

5. A royal sleeping spot for the honourable feline

Cats love sleeping. This birthday fix a corner and place a comfortable bed for her to sleep. This brand new bed will be the best surprise for her for the day. Stuff the bed sheet with old clothes and pillow covers to make it soft and cozy. Nothing can make them happier than a sound and peaceful nap.

6. Do some charity

Make the day even more memorable by doing some charity in the name of your cat. You can either adopt another feline to accompany yours or you can make some donation to the cat charity. This is the best thing you can do for other stray cats.

You need not plan a lot for your cat's birthday. Just do some basic stuff and it will the day of both you and your kitty. Limit the guest to those family and friend who owns a pet. A lot of crowd will disturb the kitty and make sure you don't invite any dog at the party. You might not realize but these small effort of yours matters a lot to your pets. This is sure to make the human-feline bond strong.

Article Source:

Friday, October 28, 2016

10 Tips for Bringing Cats & Dogs Together

The war between cats and dogs is a topic of debate from Hollywood to hometowns. Multiple-pet owners have examples of cats that buddy up to their canine companions, of dogs chasing cats off their turf, or of the two species respectfully ignoring each other. The two don’t have to automatically “fight like cats and dogs.” Their ability to get along is shaped by their individual experiences with the other species accumulated before they are paired. Their communication styles differ too which can lead to confusion: A dog wags his tail to show happiness and eagerness to play; a cat lashes her tail to indicate displeasure or anger. You can help them to share a home by keeping each pet’s best interests and instincts in mind. Here are 10 tips.
10. Promote Puppy Love and Kitten Closeness
Because puppies and kittens have had no (bad) experiences with each other, they will get along more quickly than older pets. So it makes sense, if you are thinking of having one of each, to get them as youngsters. Growing up together, they will form a bond. However, a puppy’s play may still be a bit rough for a fragile kitten that will always be tinier than her canine mate. Always supervise their interactions, even if they are friendly: A kitten may signal that she’s finished playing but the energetic puppy could still be eager to go, and his activity may confuse her. Teach the puppy to play by chasing a toy, never his smaller feline buddy; this will ensure he grows up respecting, not pursuing, smaller animals.
9. Make the Right Match
A cat who is curious about but not fearful of dogs, and a dog who has at least a nodding acquaintance with felines are the ideal pairing. Whichever pet you’re adopting, a rescue organization or animal shelter will gladly work with you to help select the best candidate, based on the history and personality of the animal you’re choosing and the one at home.
A stray or feral cat that needs to be socialized and acclimated to indoor living can be a hazard to a resident dog, because she is accustomed to seeing dogs as the enemy, animals to be fought rather than befriended. And some dog breeds, such as terriers, hounds and herding dogs, shouldn’t live with cats. Their instincts, which drive them to catch, shake and kill prey, will endanger felines which they see as something to chase.
8. Slow That Intro
Cats are both territorial and not fond of change, so a supervised, gradual awareness of another pet is the best method for keeping the peace. Patience is a must, because the introduction phase could take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, or longer in some cases. Stick to the animals’ preferred pace, and don’t force them to be together. Speak in soft, conversational tones to both animals, and spend quality time with each in their separate spaces, not neglecting the resident pet to give the new one extra attention. Letting each animal see the other for brief periods in a neutral room and gradually increasing the exposure, will assure them that there’s room for more than one pet.
7. Meet Your (Restrained) Roomie
Keep your dog’s leash on during early meetings with your cat, so that if he becomes aggressive, even in play, you can limit his movements and calmly but firmly discipline him. If he’s trained, command him to take the “down-stay” position. Keep the cat out of the dog’s biting range, and allow her to escape the dog’s attention if she wants to (but not flee throughout your home!) You can also have the animals meet from opposite sides of a pet gate at first, but don’t allow them to touch noses or otherwise get too close until each is more accustomed to the sight of the other. Some pet owners place the cat or small dog in a carrier or crate, and let the other pet sniff and circle the confined animal. This depends largely on the disposition of the confined pet. He or she may be just fine with a stranger hovering outside, or feel trapped as the other pet investigates his or her arrival.
6. Offer a Safe Haven
The cat, whether a new arrival or current resident, should have a separate refuge of her own for at least a few days or a week, preferably in a room with a door or behind a pet gate. This area should be off-limits to the dog. Place a litter box, food and water, scratching post, toys and bed in this room. Your cat will feel more secure knowing she can get away from the unfamiliar experience of getting to know a dog. Don’t allow your canine to linger outside the room, as his presence will stress the cat and defeat the purpose of the separate space.
5. Mix Scents with Sensibility
Animals get to know one another through scent, not face-to-face meetings. Even before they see each other, you can help both pets become familiar with each other’s scent. Gently rub a T-shirt, sock, towel or washcloth over the dog, and place it near the cat’s food dish or bed. After a few days, rub the item with the dog’s scent over the cat, mingling their scents. Reverse the procedure for your dog. By offering both access to each other’s scents, you’ll make their initial meeting less stressful, as each pet will know that this other critter is not a total stranger.
4. Provide Litter Privacy, Please
Your cat’s litter box should always be in a spot where the dog cannot get at it. Invasion of her litter box will stress her out. If the dog interferes with the cat while she is doing her business, she may abandon the box and soil elsewhere in your home, where she feels less threatened.
Dogs have a disgusting habit of — ewww alert here — snacking on the contents of a cat’s litter box which they actually find very tasty (a very good reason never to kiss your dog or let him lick your face). The simplest solution to stopping this is to place the litter box where the cat can access it but the dog can’t, such as inside a space too small for the dog to enter. Or consider a covered litter box that gives the cat privacy but prevents the dog from getting in. Because cats can navigate in darkness while dogs can’t, placing the litter box in a darkened room may also work.
3. Keep Cat Claws in Trim
If the cat feels threatened or stressed, she may react and injure the dog with her primary weapon: her claws. Therefore, those claws should be trimmed to ensure that a casual swipe of the paw — an instinctive, harmless move if her claws are sheathed — won’t be disastrous for your dog, especially during their early meetings.
Declawing your cat is not a good idea. She will feel, and be, defenseless around a dog, not to mention this is a painful procedure. If you feel that even trimmed claws are not safe enough, consider nail caps, which coat the cat’s claws with blunt endings, but keep the claws intact. These vinyl coverings, attached with a nontoxic adhesive, last about four to six weeks, while the cat’s claws grow out, and do not interfere with her usual extension and retraction of her claws.
2. Offer Separate Dining Spots
Each pet should be able to eat undisturbed by the other, so set up individual feeding stations. You may want to serve the cat’s meals on an elevated surface such as a countertop or windowsill to prevent the dog from wolfing down her food as well as his own. In addition to allowing each pet to dine in peace, “separate tables” ensure that each will eat his or her own food. Cat and dog food are not nutritionally interchangeable. While most cats have zero interest in Fido’s menu, dogs find the higher protein and fat content of cat food very appetizing. Regular cat food consumption can result in a nutritional imbalance and weight gain for dogs.
1. Hope for BFFs, But Settle for Nodding Acquaintances
You may wish for the movie version of inseparable pals, but doggy devotion and kitty cordiality cannot be pushed — and animals won’t fake affection. Each brings his or her own quirks, habits and likes to the relationship. But by ensuring that your dog is well-trained in obedience, and giving the cat a high-up perch, such as a cat tree, you can create an atmosphere where friendship can blossom. The two may eventually accept one another, with minimal interaction but no animosity, or they may develop a genuine fondness for each other. If they’re both snuggling and shedding together on your bedspread, you’ll know they’ve teamed up to rule your home and heart.

credit: Kathy Blumenstock, Animal Planet