Friday, January 12, 2018

How to Handle Nervous Cats

A few cats are extremely calm. But not all cats are tolerant and silent, you'll often face cats having aggressive and eager behavior. Such cats may cause some worry or disappointment for their masters despite the fact that their owners are willing to do everything to make their pets happy. If you consider yourself to be such a cat master, then you need to focus on increasing your knowledge regarding cats and their behaviors in order to keep your cat calmer and relax.

What is Behind Your Cat's Nervousness?

There are a lot of factors which can make your pet cat confuse and nervous. The most common cause for such nervousness is fear. You need to make sure that nothing in your home or surroundings is making the cat nervous or afraid. Also, if your cat has an unforgettable negative experience during the childhood, then such an incident or experience can lead to uncomfortable attitude. These negative childhood experiences can be of various types such as facing homelessness, improper treatment, bad social life experience related to cats, humans, dogs or even other species.

Similarly, change in environment can also make the cat feel nervous. For example, if you just purchased your cat and bring him/her home, then this change in environment can also make the cat feel confused or uncomfortable. But such situations can easily be improved with the passage of time, once your pet spent some time with you and your family provided no major trouble exists in the environment.

If you see your cat is trying to hide from others, don't panic. Keep in mind that if you'll provide her proper environment, she will soon overcome her nervousness. Hopefully, after some time, she will prefer to play with you instead of preferring to live in isolation.

This is a fact that most cats have an instinct for survival. This trait can lead to fight or flight reaction in particular situation which may cause the cat to run away or hide somewhere. Also, the presence of other cats in the surroundings can make the cat more nervous and it is observed that new cats often show defensive behavior in such situations. But such a situation keeps getting better day by day, all you need to do is to show some patience and wait.

There are times when your cat will be ill and like everybody else, cats consider illness as a scary situation. Therefore, you need to keep in mind that during the time of illness, your cat can show anxious behavior. Try to take your cat to doctor as soon as possible in order to get her out of discomfort and illness. This will surely help to make the cat healthy and relaxed in a minimal amount of time.

The presence of other pets especially dogs can also be a source of nervousness among cats. But no need to worry here as well, with the passage of time, your cat will adjust with dogs or other pets.


The main thing you must understand is that cats are basically sensitive species and needs proper love, care and safe environment to live happily and comfortably. Just provide the proper environment to your pet cats and surely, you'll get rid of all the problems related to your pet's behavior. However, this may take some time, so be patient.

Credit: Rizwan Leo Aziz

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